Seth Green, the American actor, producter, writer and director was robbed of a Bored Ape NFT. This NFT was meant to star in an upcoming TV show. The actor revealed on May 17 that he had fallen victim to a phishing scam and lost four NFTs including: Bored ape #8398, Mutant Apes #99644 and #19182 and Doodle #7546. “Please don’t buy or trade these while i work to resolve” Seth Green said.
Well frens it happened to me. Got phished and had 4NFT stolen. @BoredApeYC @opensea @doodles @yugalabs please don’t buy or trade these while I work to resolve:@DarkWing84 looks like you bought my stolen ape- hit me up so we can fix it
— Seth Green (@SethGreen) May 17, 2022
According to blockchain transactions, the Bored Ape was sold for over USD 200,000 by the hacker to a pseudonymous collector known as “DarkWing84,” and the Mutant Ape for USD 42,200. The Bored Ape has since been transferred to a collection called “GBE_Vault,” which is where it currently sits.
.@SethGreen new trailer for his new show, keep your eyes peeled👀@BoredApeYC @GutterCatGang @veefriends
— FFVV1211.eth (@FFVV1211) May 21, 2022
“When you purchase an NFT, you own the underlying Bored Ape, the art, completely,” Yuga Labs says on the Bored Ape website.
Since Green is not the holder of the Bored Ape currently, he theoretically does not hold the IP license for the NFT and thus can’t go forward with the NFT-themed show.
If the current owner “wanted to cause trouble for Seth Green they probably could, because that person becomes the holder” of the commercial usage rights, Daniel Dubin, a tax and litigation attorney at Alston & Bird LLP, has reportedly said